We are raising funds to purchase necessary equipment to meet the needs of the CSJ in the 21st Century, and to make sure we are able to support pilgrims in the most effective and inclusive way possible. 

Many of our events moved online during the pandemic. We started virtual coffee mornings, wine bars and held our Constance Storrs Lecture and AGM online when restrictions meant that in person events were not possible. This opened up a world of possibilities and meant that pilgrims from around the UK and the world could join us!

We are delighted to be able to hold these events in person again now, but our aim is to be able to deliver our major events - namely the Constance Storrs Lecture and the AGM - in hybrid form without compromising the quality. While we have the equipment to deliver these to a good level for a fully online or fully in-person audience, we are lacking the technology to offer a high quality hybrid option. 

Can you help us achieve our goal and keep our major events open to all pilgrims and members, regardless of their geographical location, as well as updating out-of-date technologies in the office to enable us to be as efficient as possible?

In order to achieve these goals, we are raising funds to buy equipment including:

- A speaker system for in person events

- A good quality camera and tripod for streaming live events

- A lapel microphone (or similar) for in person and hybrid events

- A clicker for powerpoint presentations

- A new laptop for our general manager which will be used for Zoom meetings

- A new franking machine

- A new printer for the CSJ office

Once the above items have been purchased, any additional funds raised will be used for other technologies which fit the same criteria - moving the CSJ forward technologically to benefit pilgrims through the events and services that the CSJ offers as a charity, for example purchasing our own projector and screen or improving our website systems, portable card readers, etc.